Micropython Library

This chapter documents included Micropython library.


To install the library, download the latest version of PRMC.py file from mp_library folder in github repository and copy it to the root directory of your board.

Basic example

Below is the basic example of Micropython code using the library.

from machine import Pin, I2C
from time import sleep
import PRMC
i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(9), sda=Pin(8), freq=100000)

driver = PRMC.controller(i2c)

print("Motor controller initialized.")
print("Firmware version: " + driver.fw_version()))
# driver.reverse_encoder(0)
driver.set_motors(0.5) #set speed of both motors to 50%
while True:
    print("Encoders: {} {}. Speeds: {} {}".format(driver.encoder[0],driver.encoder[1], driver.speed[0], driver.speed[1] ))

Full documentation

In all the functions which use motor as an argument, value of 0 corresponds to Motor1, and value of 1, to Motor2.

Initialization and basic info

controller(i2c, address=0x54)

Creates and initializes motor controller object. If connection can’t be established (e.g. because the driver is not connected or malfunctions), a RuntimeError exception will be raised. Optional parameter address is the I2C address. If omitted, default value of PRMC_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS=0x54 is used.


Returns firmware version as a string, in format major.minor, e.g. 1.99


Disable motor outputs. Possible values for motor_combo are:

  • 1: disable motor 1, enable motor 2

  • 2: enable motor 1, disable motor 2

  • 3: disable both motors


Opposite of the previous command, setting which motors should be enabled.

Possible values for motor_combo are:

  • 1: enable motor 1, disable motor 2

  • 2: disable motor 1, enable motor 2

  • 3: enable both motors

Note: according to the datasheet, if a motor driver was disabled by a triggered protection feature (e.g., overtemperature protection), to enable it again you need to first send disable signal and then enable signal:

driver.disable(1) # to disable motor 1, leaving motor 2 enabled
driver.enable(3)  # to reenable both motors

Returns the motor status. If motor is enabled, status is 0; if it is disabled, status is 1. Note that motor can be disabled either because the user disabled it using disable function above, or because one of the protection features (overcurrent, overtemperature, short circuit) was triggered.

Overtemperature and other protection features are latching: if the protection was triggered, the motor stays disabled even after the temperature/voltage returns to normal. To re-enable the motors, use enable command above.

Basic motor control

set_motor(motor, power)

Sets the power for given motor. The power ranges between -1.0 (full speed backwards) to 1.0 (full speed forwards)

set_motors(power1, power2 = None)

Set power for both motors in one command. Argument power2 is optional; if omitted, same power is given to both motors.

Encoders and speed


Returns current encoder reading (ticks) for given motor. If encoder is absent or disconnected, returns 0.

When counting ticks, both rising and falling edge is counted, for each of 2 channels. Thus, we get 4 ticks per period.


Returns current speed reading for given motor, in ticks/sec.


Gets from the controller and saves readings of both encoders. These readings can be accessed using properties controller.encoder[0] and controller.encoder[1].

Using this method instead of get_encoder(0) followed by get_encoder(1) ensures that both encoder readings were taken at same moment of time, which might be important when comparing them.


Gets from the controller and saves readings of both speeds. These readings can be accessed using properties controller.speed[0] and controller.speed[1]. As before, advantage of this method is that both speeds are read at the same moment of time.


After calling this function, all future readings of this encoder will be reversed (multiplied by -1). This is convenient if your encoder and motor are wired so that positive power to the motors caused speed measured by encoder to be negative.

PID configuration

To use PID mode (as described in Firmware section), you need to set PID coefficients. You can do it using functions below.

configure_pid(maxspeed, Kp, Ti, Td, Ilim)

Sets the PID coefficients for both motors. Note that these coefficients are only used if you enable PID using pid_on() command below.


Sets default PID coefficients, based on motor maximal speed (in ticks/s). The default values are as follows:

Kp = 0.8/maxspeed
Ti = 0.3
Td = 0.03
Ilim = 1000

These values are somewhat conservative: while they are unlikely to cause oscillations, it may take some time for the motor speed to stabilize. You may experiment with these values to improve performance of the PID loop.


Enables PID for both motors. This assumes that PID has been configured previously using configure_pid() command.

After enabling PID, any power given to the motors using set_motor commands will be actively maintained using PID algorithm.


Disables PID for both motors.

It is suggested that you only use the commands above when the motors are stopped. Changing PID settings while the motors are in motion can lead to unexpected results.